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Post #1238774

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
8-Sep-2018, 2:00 PM

Warbler said:

DominicCobb said:

Warbler said:

DominicCobb said:

What I’ll never understand about this debate is that kneeling is literally a form of respect.

Not when it is done during the Nation Anthem which is a clear violation of the proper protocol.

Proper protocol my ass. The same people complaining the loudest are the ones who have the American flag on their underwear.

I don’t have the flag on my underwear.

I never said you did. I’m sure you follow the rules to the letter.

Following protocol and showing respect aren’t necessarily the same thing.

When the rules say you should stand at attention and you kneel, I have having hard time seeing how that is not disrespectful.

What you described is them being disrespectful to the rules. Not disrespectful to the flag/what it stands for (not that I’d have a problem if they did, but they aren’t so). Unless you think it stands for “the rules”…

Anyway following the rules has no direct correlation with actual respect. They’re on different planes.