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Where should Lucasfilm go after Episode IX?


Of course, they’ll keep making Star Wars Stories, but what about the saga films? I can’t imagine them not making more after another ten ears or so. When that time comes, what should they do? Just another trilogy? Trilogies until the end of time? Or should we shake things up after having closed the book on a trilogy of trilogies and do a pentalogy?


They’ll make 18 more films in the Skywalker Saga! A trilogy of trilogies of trilogies!


I’m not sure they’ll continue so soon after episode nine. Regardless of how you feel about it, The Last Jedi was a very divisive film, and we’re yet to see how that will impact the performance of IX. So, depending on that, we’ll see. It’s too early to say anything right now.


Their movie and TV plans for at least 6 more years are all laid out.


Mocata said:

Their movie and TV plans for at least 6 more years are all laid out.

How do you figure?


Yeah, but I was referring to the episodic films.

Well numbered content gives a sense of old and new, so I doubt they’ll want to do that much longer. In a mega-franchise like this things need to have real longevity. The moniker of “Episode…XYZ” has already been slowly phased out for the marketing. TFA and TLJ are widely know by their actual titles now.

Handman said:

Mocata said:

Their movie and TV plans for at least 6 more years are all laid out.

How do you figure?

Say a couple for Resistance, a couple between Game of Thrones guys and Favreau, and in the background there’s time for the trilogy that Rian Johnson recently said he’s still currently writing. The Star Wars Story ideas are shelved right now of course, otherwise it would be 8-10 years.


Anything I’ve read says the saga of Skywalker will end after IX. I suppose they could revisit it down the road but that depends on future films success and the demand of it I guess.

I’d be quite happy to see Lucasfilm go in a completely different direction.


Furthermore, the ‘Skywalker Saga’ can only continue with a Skywalker. As we’ve been told in TLJ, there is only one still alive and I’m betting he doesn’t survive the next film.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

Rian’s trilogy is definitely not gonna star ‘Temiri Blagg’.


Hardcore Legend said:

Furthermore, the ‘Skywalker Saga’ can only continue with a Skywalker. As we’ve been told in TLJ, there is only one still alive and I’m betting he doesn’t survive the next film.

Leia’s alive too.


I say let the main saga end at IX (as George intended) and keep making spin-off films.

What they could do is look into their archives and look at some concepts for unproduced non-SW material and work from there.


George’s actual number fluctuated over time though. Does one go with what he said then or now?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I second that. At various times, he’s said the sgag had 6, 9, and 12 episodes.


Hopefully they just stop.

I enjoyed 7, mostly disliked 8, and currently feel really very little one way or the other towards 9.

Rogue One was an interesting side show but I didn’t bother with solo.

So yeah… just make it stop.

War does not make one great.


The Skywalker Saga is done, so hopefully they put a fork in it after IX.

And then here’s an idea that will never happen. Go back to the 70s movie model whereby Disney can produce interesting scripts from up-and-coming writer/directors on more modest budgets instead of announcing a $200MM Boba Fett movie with no script that will just become a big bloated mess.


They never announced a $200m Boba Fett movie and no one here knows why it was “cancelled” or frankly that it ever existed in the first place.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


Between Rian Johnson’s trilogy and Benioff’s and Weiss’s series, it sounds like they’ve got plenty of serialized stories in the pipeline. I certainly don’t feel any desire for episodes X-XII, but ask me again in a decade and I may have changed my mind. In the immediate future, I hope we get a third anthology film, because abandoning that project after only two movies seems like an awkward way to leave things. Kenobi would be my first choice of the usual options that get thrown around, but I do also want a Solo follow-up while Alden Ehrenreich is still the right age for one. Beyond that, I guess my only hope is that Rian’s and B&W’s movies have some sort of radically different setting from what we’ve already seen, in terms of either time or space. The obvious play is to delve into the deep past and do something akin to KOTOR, but I can think of a couple ways to make something fresh in the same general era as the Skywalker saga as well. Something focused on exploration could be interesting. I think that a sort of Star Trek/Indiana Jones mashup with a (New or Old) Republic (or even Imperial) crew in the Unknown Regions would be a lot of fun.