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Post #1237046

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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
28-Aug-2018, 5:50 PM

You guys are joking or purposefully selectively forgetting a lot if you’re seriously positing that TLJ wasn’t a big middle finger to Abrams’ TFA.

  • Hux a serious officer and rival to Ren is immediately turned into a punchline in TLJ
  • Snoke the character that set off the entire events of the ST, seduced Ben to the Darkside, raised an army to overthrow the galaxy and built a superweapon that wiped out the Republic is dispatched as soon as possible without any ceremony after being used as a convenient plot device in TLJ
  • Maz Kanata a wise Yoda like figure is turned into a cartoonish video game character
  • Luke Skywalker whose original reveal at the end of TFA was to have him meditating in the air surrounded by flying boulders was then turned into cranky old man hiding from the galaxy. The rest of the Luke issues in TLJ are related to his OT persona and not relevant to this discussion but are probably the most egregious transgressions of the film.