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Post #1235893

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All Things Star Trek
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Date created
22-Aug-2018, 6:57 PM

DuracellEnergizer said:

chyron8472 said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

And that’s my Star Trek.

Why does it have to be Star Trek? It could be some other series/franchise entirely, and let Star Trek be what it is.

Who said it has to be? I certainly didn’t. It’s a hypothetical “what if?” scenario.

It didn’t sound merely hypothetical. It sounded like you want Star Trek to be something it is not and doesn’t need to be, to the point that there’s no need to even call it Star Trek. I was saying if you wanted that, there’s nothing stopping it being its own entity rather than replace Trek—especially if the reasoning for replacing Trek is both due to real-world budgetary constraints, and that you don’t accept in-universe explanations of those constraints.

When you say “And that’s my Star Trek”, you suggest that what you propose is a superior concept to replace the current implementation rather than an entirely alternate concept that should stand on its own.