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Post #1235843

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All Things Star Trek
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Date created
22-Aug-2018, 5:19 PM

chyron8472 said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

And that’s my Star Trek.

Why does it have to be Star Trek? It could be some other series/franchise entirely, and let Star Trek be what it is.

Who said it has to be? I certainly didn’t. It’s a hypothetical “what if?” scenario.

Perhaps I failed to convey myself properly, but just for those who may think otherwise, I don’t dislike TOS. Indeed, it’s my second favourite series after DS9. It’s an imperfect series, yes. There are things I would’ve done differently, certainly. But at the end of the day, it’s a product of its time and I can take it — and enjoy it — for what it is. I don’t stay awake at night cursing Roddenberry for not being Frank Herbert.