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Post #1231677

Post Praetorian
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Date created
4-Aug-2018, 9:08 PM

chyron8472 said:

Praetorian, I think your points would be better understood if your used simpler or more common language. You “translated” one confusingly verbose post by following up with another very-sightly-less confusingly verbose one.

Quite certainly that would logically be the case…but the amalgam of my thoughts do not necessarily run quite so readily downstream…or, to clarify, in trimming substance from verbosity it would seem necessary to curtail a great deal of said considerations to mere fragments…or, perhaps to clarify further still:

“What might be the fun in that?” 😉

Also, it occurs to me that just because someone identifies as nihilist, that doesn’t mean they must adhere to every facet of it.

That is most certainly debatable (which is, essentially, what I have been essaying with MFM)…for what had reasonably occurred to me was that his identification with nihilism appeared sufficiently different from my own to warrant an inquiry…and possibly an entry into the aforementioned debate…for if the definition of nihilism might be the rejection of morality’s underlying stricture, is not every accedence to said morality necessarily an admission and/or acceptance of that which they purport to regard as merely the construct of human convenience?

Or, to clarify, given my own nihilistic tendencies I simply failed to have an instinctive reaction in the same vein as that experienced by MFM and so I was mildly curious as to why…