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Post #1231408

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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread
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Date created
3-Aug-2018, 4:50 PM

Anakin Starkiller said:

charlesdavid08 said:

remove cgi Grievous and all battle droids and replace a stop motion models

If the idea is to make it look more realistic, then you’ve failed miserably. Stopmotion is not reliable for realistic VFX. It has a certain charm, but realism is not its strong suit. Of course it can do realism on a hollywood budget, but given no one does it anymore, I suspect it’s become a lot more efficient to do with CGI, and the results are usually just as good.

i dont want a realistic, i just want the prequels feels bit like they first than the original trilogy and feels like more connected or same universe, because i like these both trilogies.