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Post #1229724

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Four word story. Rules Updated
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Date created
30-Jul-2018, 10:29 PM

I KNOW we had a thread like this already. Okay? I know. But I looked high and sober and couldn’t find it. For a long time actually. And I also know nobody but me really liked it. But you know what? You can eat my shorts, my shoes, and my blouse.

The rules are simple. We construct on the fly a story where we each contribute three words at a time. Other rules:
No double posting in the story. (Obvi)

Nothing exceedingly perverted… I’m looking at you, neglify

Your contribution must make sense. The story can be infinitely silly, but it must at least make grammatical sense. Paja, I expect push back from you on this, but don’t give in to the lust. I truly believe you have what it takes to Make This Thread Great Again.

If you MUST interject a comment or say something that isn’t a continuation of the story, put it in quotes.

No disintegrations.

Six syllable per word max.

I’ll start.

It was hilariously

Update 08/08/18: This is now a four word story.