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Post #1229211

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Info Wanted: best fan edits you have ever seen?
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Date created
29-Jul-2018, 1:50 PM
  • Adywan Star Wars: Revisited Editions

  • Star Wars: Despecialized Editions

  • Star Wars: The Blackened Mantle, is the prequels in one movie only, the audio is in japonese so the acting is improved and the dialogue in the subtitles change the story for the better (not recomended if you knows japonese or hate subtitles - a.k.a mojority of americans)

  • HAL 9000 The Force Awakens: Restructured, make the movie not so much like A New Hope, the biggest problem of TFA.

  • Apocalypse Now: The Re-Redux, a simple edit that only takes the scenes of the French house out of the extended cut

  • Full Metal Jacket: Locked & Loaded, a non chronological edit of this movie, going back and forth between the training scenes and the Vietnam scenes. The movie has a better pacing and climax.

  • Watchman: Midnight, make the movie closer to the comics, improves the soundtrack, eliminate the unrealistic kung fu stuff

  • Man Of Steel: The Ultimate Kriptonian Cut, solves all the major editing problems of that movie, the flashbacks makes sense and Clark is a more compelling character.

  • Batman V Superman: Ultimate Edit, the best edit I saw of this movie, removes the Africa plot, more Clark scenes, no stupid nightmare and forced references to the Justice League.