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Post #1228206

TV's Frink
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Taking a stand against toxic fandom (and other )
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Date created
25-Jul-2018, 1:08 PM

DrDre said:

oojason said:

DrDre said:

TV’s Frink said:

In my view Photoshopping her head on a hulk body is not fair game.

Is creating a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad fair game? In my view it is. That’s the way free speech works, and that right should be defended in my view, even if you disagree with what is depicted. If creating a caricature of a Prophet is fair game, then so is creating a caricature of the Star Wars character Rey. If it was a caricature of Daisy Ridley, that attempts to ridicule her personally, then I would agree with you.

That’s free speech - not toxicity. For many people they would consider a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad to be toxic, and in my view rightly so.

Well, I disagree. The only toxicity I see is in those that cannot accept the foundations of a free, and democratic society. As such, any point of view that is too foreign relative to someone’s own is considered to be toxic, evil, communist, degraded, or any other term used to label people or put them in a box for having a different or controversial opinion.

I don’t know what this is supposed to mean. Calling out someone for being shitty is not the same as shutting down free speech and democratic society.

The use of “communist” here is a weird thing as well. It has no bearing on the topic at hand.

I think I’m done here.