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Post #1228201

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Taking a stand against toxic fandom (and other )
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Date created
25-Jul-2018, 12:45 PM

oojason said:

Warbler said:

Kellythatsit said:

Seriously, this is a series of fictional films!

We’ve nicknamed a whole generation of people based on this “series of fictional films” Perhaps they are a little more special than other series of fictional films.

Used in the context of ‘People are sending death threats and behaving like absolute nobs just because someone made a star war they didn’t like’ it seems fair enough, yes?

‘Seriously, this is a series of fictional films!’ - That’s the bit you have decided to take issue with? Fair enough…


I agree sending death threats is totally unacceptable. Anyone that does so should be prosecuted. I agree harassing the actors and forcing them to shut down their Facebook pages is totally unacceptable. As for behaving like abosolute nobs, I’d have know exactly what you refer to before condemning them.