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Is Star Wars "Better Than It's Ever Been"? — Page 2


Stotchy said:

Star Wars didn’t saturate the market and fans only understood the Star Wars brand to represent QUALITY! So every time a new piece of content was released you were excited and it lived up to your expectations.

Suffice to say, I must respectfully disagree.


I’m happy to wear that. I only read the Thrawn Trilogy.

But my opinion that the 90s pre TPM as the best period still stands.

I thought the Jedi Academy books we’re supposed to be good?


Stotchy said:

I thought the Jedi Academy books we’re supposed to be good?

If Kevin J. Anderson wrote it, general consensus is it’s bad.


Dirge said:

DominicCobb said:

Dirge said:

Star Wars was at its best during the late 1980s into the early 1990s. You had the three original movies which were all really good, and you could watch them whenever you wanted on your VCR.

Believe it or not all the things you just described still exist.

Yes, but now there’s a whole lot of crap floating around in and polluting the Star Wars pool (bad/mediocre prequels/sequels, “special” editions, active suppression of the original movies, etc.).

Star Wars was better back when the worst thing you had to worry about were Ewoks.

Before the dark times…before the Empire!

This makes no sense. Just ignore what you don’t like.


TV’s Frink said:

Dirge said:

DominicCobb said:

Dirge said:

Star Wars was at its best during the late 1980s into the early 1990s. You had the three original movies which were all really good, and you could watch them whenever you wanted on your VCR.

Believe it or not all the things you just described still exist.

Yes, but now there’s a whole lot of crap floating around in and polluting the Star Wars pool (bad/mediocre prequels/sequels, “special” editions, active suppression of the original movies, etc.).

Star Wars was better back when the worst thing you had to worry about were Ewoks.

Before the dark times…before the Empire!

This makes no sense. Just ignore what you don’t like.

If becomes hard to ignore when you have three quality films to start with that then get actively suppressed by their creator and replaced by bastardized versions, then you throw a bunch of crappy prequels/sequels into the mix (degrading the overall quality of the franchise and removing any potential for prequels/sequels that are actually of value), and you’re left with a bloated mess oversaturating and debasing a once proud trilogy.

I much preferred when ALL the films were good, and there was still the POTENTIAL for quality prequels/sequels. Because if we are only going to get one good movie out of every six or seven new films, then it’s probably better to just leave the Saga alone and make something original.


Dirge said:

I much preferred when ALL the films were good,

Cue Duracell ranting about ROTJ.

But anyways, I prefer to have fan preservations available that surpass any VHS copy of the OT by miles. Not even the prequels can distract from that.

Ceci n’est pas une signature.


Stotchy said:

during the 80s, the films were literally the only Star Wars content available.


Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

Stotchy said:

during the 80s, the films were literally the only Star Wars content available.


Holiday Special, Ewok movies, Ewoks cartoon, Droids cartoon…


DominicCobb said:

Tobar said:

Stotchy said:

during the 80s, the films were literally the only Star Wars content available.


Holiday Special, Ewok movies, Ewoks cartoon, Droids cartoon…

Splinter of the Mind’s Eye…


Apart from The Last Jedi, which is currently my all-time favourite Star Wars movie, and Rogue One, which I greatly enjoyed, I must say I’m sorely disappointed with the way Disney has handled the franchise, even moreso with how fans loved TFA which is essentially Star Wars 2.0.

So far Disney’s nu-EU has been devoted to every last minute detail of the OT, from the time Luke took a dump after receiving his medal for destroying the Death Star to all the hours Leia spent braiding her hair in her spare time. Come ON!!! You have an entire Galaxy’s worth of storytelling spanning thoudands upon thoudands of generations yet it revolves around the same five characters during the same four year period of the OT.
Then there’s Star Wars Rebels, which is Star Wars at its most risk-averse, play-it-safe, where the good guys always prevail and win to such an extent one must wonder how did the bad guys rise to power in the first place, so much so it’s a miracle Kanan Jarrus died at all, which despite it being the logical conclusion to his character arc Filoni admited he would have had him survive. We also had to endure Thrawn, one of the smartest characters in the Galaxy, being thwarted by a whiny teenager, thus ruining him in my eyes.

Under Disney I’ve already noticed Star Wars is becoming increasingly sanitised. Case in point the Hutt species. In the original canon all Hutts were hermaphrodites with some having a more masculine personality whilst others having a more feminine one. Now in the new Disney canon the Hutts are strictly male and female. Another example is the near-complete removal of sexy female characters, starting with Disney no longer selling slave Leia outfits. Remember Darth Talon? Or Quinlan Vos’ sexy wife from the old EU? I guarantee we will never see those types of characters ever again in SW.

Sometimes I wish Lucasfilm had been bought by another film studio, like Warner Bros or Universal. Right now the only thing I’m looking forward to in terms of Star Wars are Johnson’s SW trilogy and Benioff and Weiss’ films.


fmalover said:

Remember Darth Talon? Or Quinlan Vos’ sexy wife from the old EU? I guarantee we will never see those types of characters ever again in SW.

So there’s a bright side to all this.


fmalover said:

Apart from The Last Jedi, which is currently my all-time favourite Star Wars movie

I’m sorry, what?


Star Wars is at its peak now. You can hook up a VHS and play the classic original trilogy on your tv. You can read the Thrawn books and play the old games. You don’t have to consider the PT or ST canon, and everything will be the same. The only thing that’s changed over time is the amount of content fans can enjoy. It’s up to the fans to choose whether they like and wish to acknowledge said content or not.

By going on and on about how much one hates TLJ, one only reminds themselves of their hatred and can never move on. If ya don’t like, consider it fan fiction and forget it existed.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


Stotchy said:

fmalover said:

Apart from The Last Jedi, which is currently my all-time favourite Star Wars movie

I’m sorry, what?

What? Is it some sort of crime to rank TLJ as my all-time favourite SW movie?

BTW, I’m surprised you liked Star Wars Rebels after the way the butchered Thrawn, a methodical military strategist who’s twenty steps ahead of everybody and lends himself to more mature storylines, ruined by being introduced in a kid’s show and being thwarted by whiny teenager Ezra Bridger.


screams in the void said:

All I can say is that I have been around since the beginning (1977) and I can remember a time when I was starved for ANY new Star Wars content , from about 1986 to 1991 you could hardly find a book , comic or magazine on the subject and there was a long ass 16 year wait between the OT and the PT .So, there is some really good stuff now and some mediocre stuff but I am just glad to have it still active after all these years

I feel the opposite. I think it would be best if Star Wars just gave up.

The Person in Question


moviefreakedmind said:

screams in the void said:

All I can say is that I have been around since the beginning (1977) and I can remember a time when I was starved for ANY new Star Wars content , from about 1986 to 1991 you could hardly find a book , comic or magazine on the subject and there was a long ass 16 year wait between the OT and the PT .So, there is some really good stuff now and some mediocre stuff but I am just glad to have it still active after all these years

I feel the opposite. I think it would be best if Star Wars just gave up.



fmalover said:

I’m surprised you liked Star Wars Rebels

Yeah I liked Rebels. If you can’t get past that it was written for kids then of course you’re gonna hate it.

It can be cheesy sometimes and often there are no stakes as a kids show won’t have much proper violence, but the characters, stories and the setting we’re great.


OutboundFlight said:

Star Wars is at its peak now. You can hook up a VHS and play the classic original trilogy on your tv. You can read the Thrawn books and play the old games. You don’t have to consider the PT or ST canon, and everything will be the same. The only thing that’s changed over time is the amount of content fans can enjoy. It’s up to the fans to choose whether they like and wish to acknowledge said content or not.

By going on and on about how much one hates TLJ, one only reminds themselves of their hatred and can never move on. If ya don’t like, consider it fan fiction and forget it existed.

This is the most sensible post I have seen in a looong time.



fmalover said:

Under Disney I’ve already noticed Star Wars is becoming increasingly sanitised. Case in point the Hutt species. In the original canon all Hutts were hermaphrodites with some having a more masculine personality whilst others having a more feminine one. Now in the new Disney canon the Hutts are strictly male and female. Another example is the near-complete removal of sexy female characters, starting with Disney no longer selling slave Leia outfits. Remember Darth Talon? Or Quinlan Vos’ sexy wife from the old EU? I guarantee we will never see those types of characters ever again in SW.

Actually, Darth Talon was considered for the ST, appearing in early concept art as the one to literally seduce Ben to the dark side.


I’d rather that fans have less content to enjoy if it means that I see less advertising for Star Wars content. It may be selfish, but that’s how I feel.

The Person in Question


fmalover said:

Stotchy said:

fmalover said:

Apart from The Last Jedi, which is currently my all-time favourite Star Wars movie

I’m sorry, what?

What? Is it some sort of crime to rank TLJ as my all-time favourite SW movie?

Don’t you know? Ranking any Star Wars film above ESB (except ANH or RotJ, depending on how the community feels that day) is punishable through death by rancor pit.

BTW, I’m surprised you liked Star Wars Rebels after the way the butchered Thrawn, a methodical military strategist who’s twenty steps ahead of everybody and lends himself to more mature storylines, ruined by being introduced in a kid’s show and being thwarted by whiny teenager Ezra Bridger.

I agree with Rebels, though it’s problems go far beyond ruining Thrawn. I’d argue the only real issue with how they handled him is how he just continuously lets the rebels win on purpose to “study” them. It’s a cheap excuse, but not as bad as having him lose to them weekly through mere incompetence. Plus, when he finally unleashes his attack, he does a damn good job.

My problems have more to do with the dull stories, bland new protagonist (Ezra), and overall childish tone (and I say this as someone who watches mostly kids’ shows). At first, I was apprehensive about using an all-new cast, but all of the characters were well used in the end. All but Ezra.

But now can I get the show I actually wanted? You know, with Luke, Han, and Leia going on adventures between ANH and ESB? What’s that? You’re relegating that to comics? Thanks a lot. /s


Anakin Starkiller said:

fmalover said:

Stotchy said:

fmalover said:

Apart from The Last Jedi, which is currently my all-time favourite Star Wars movie

I’m sorry, what?

What? Is it some sort of crime to rank TLJ as my all-time favourite SW movie?

Don’t you know? Ranking any Star Wars film above ESB (except ANH or RotJ, depending on how the community feels that day) is punishable through death by rancor pit.

I sincerely hope you jest, and as much as I love the OT I wouldn’t be surprised nor bothered by someone ranking any of the prequels above TESB or the first SW. I do think however, that musically nothing will ever top the scores composed by John Williams for ANH and TESB, though I really enjoy the score for ROTS as well. Musically, I think TFA has the weakest score on top of being IMO the worst SW movie.


moviefreakedmind said:

I’d rather that fans have less content to enjoy if it means that I see less advertising for Star Wars content. It may be selfish, but that’s how I feel.

Anyone who wants Star Wars to just give up is selfish.

I don’t give a shit about the MCU but you don’t see me wanting it to go away just so I don’t have to see commercials for it.


TV’s Frink said:

moviefreakedmind said:

I’d rather that fans have less content to enjoy if it means that I see less advertising for Star Wars content. It may be selfish, but that’s how I feel.

Anyone who wants Star Wars to just give up is selfish.

On this issue, I guess so. That’s not my only reason for wanting it, by the way. I think that the legacy of Star Wars has been largely destroyed by all the prequels and sequels.

I don’t give a shit about the MCU but you don’t see me wanting it to go away just so I don’t have to see commercials for it.

That’s okay, I want that enough for the both of us.

The Person in Question