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Post #1225696

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
13-Jul-2018, 3:48 PM

Mrebo said:


Do you think private adoptions should be unlawful? Do you think parents shouldn’t be able to discriminate in who they give their baby to?

We’re talking about a state funded, public service. Private adoptions are another can of worms. Nevermind that the reason at least a portion of the kids in these services to begin with are there because their parents lost said legal custody.

why can’t religious people put away their religion long enough to provide a service?

Because they’re exercising their religiois freedom. Various community services and help provided to people emanates from religious belief.

I’m sorry I think religious freedom should not trump the rights of others to be able to raise loving families of their own. I’m sorry for all these oppressed Christians who have to offer services to people they think go against their religion. I’m sorry I think I deserve the same respect and dignity as everyone else because I am fundamentally human like the rest of you.

Religious freedom is nonsense. Every day we have to deal with people we disagree with. In every other case we tell the person to grin and bear it. Why should you get a free pass in this case because a book tells you not to be gay? The same book also speaks of dietary restrictions and of days of required fasting and prayer, but we don’t judge when someone doesn’t follow them.