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ROUND 4 - now 22 movies!!! The Ritty's Star Wars Saga (Released) — Page 3


DigMod said:

The Ritty said:

I don’t need nerd snobbery lol I need someone who’s tired of watching crap. Again, I haven’t seen any other edits and I don’t care too because I MADE MY OWN. I have no need. IMO there’s nothing major lacking in mine but I’m sure some other maybe had better cuts or ideas for cuts etc…but a polished turd is STILL a turd lol Unless anyone says this guy did a such and such a better way - I’ll check THAT out but…I’m on a different side of the fence.

No offense, but it sounds like this edit was made in a conceptual vacuum. Lots of us have already made our own versions of these films. We watch yours and others to gain new perspectives and approaches to editing. It isn’t nerd snobbery that is being offered, it’s sincere constructive criticism. My own edits aren’t perfect, but they’ve been able to rise above what I thought I could produce because I kept an open mind towards the comments, suggestions and challenges of others to change my approach. One of the reasons why so many people fanedit the prequels is because George Lucas didn’t have a check and balance when making the films. He simply said, I made my own, I have no need. IMO there’s nothing major lacking in mine. I’ll most likely only glance through your edits because you don’t seem to care about getting feedback and improving your skills and abilities. I’m intrigued by your use of other languages for voices. It’s also odd that you seem to refer to your edit as a turd. Not very inviting…anyway, I glance through the edits again.

That’s not what I said at ALL lol I LITERALLY have said in EVERY post I’m looking for feedback (just not in a nitpicky way). THAT was in regards to that fan edit site. Start reading stuff cuz I LITERALLY said exactly what you just posted. It feels like every time you post it’s just to get a reaction cuz you miss the point completely.
Like what am I up for some reward? Are any of us? No. LMAO NO, that’s why I don’t care. I’m don’t need JUDGING (from there) I want constructive criticism (on here). . I only care if the story came off well more or less. ALREADY SAID, can’t change anything technical really I’m at my limits - like I already said. I appreciate this feedback but I’m done with you thank you. I hate being on forums for all this back and forth for no reason b.s.

If you check em out fine, that’s really all I’ve asked and it’s been oddly, REALLY complicated. It’s odd that a star wars forum feels too good for star wars lol Either watch or don’t or ask a question - every thing else has been inane.

Thanks again to those that requested them, hopefully I get something I can use back from any of you. Thank you for just taking the time, the rest can suck a lightsaber cuz you were useless to begin with lol 😉 I don’t get coming into a forum just to tell people you’re NOT gonna watch something - that really helps no one. Not being a dick, just sayin.

If someone asked me to watch something and they thought it was good enough I would prob check it out IF I had any interest in it. Unless it was horrible. Tell me what Fan edits are really good. Like you said - which is what I said - I don’t need to watch cuz I made my own. So it’s the other’s who are the watchers who give us feedback. That’s whom I was talking to - not the ones who just refuse to watch anything. This not to start some wars I’m just tired - and I suggest this may be a tactic of some people to bog down a thread as a way of non verbally trolling. Like who wants to wade through all this diatribe now - sabotage by those with no life lol

Thanks again to those that watched I look forward to the feedback.

I consider my edits ‘blueprints’…not fan edits. They represent what could have been… 😉


The Ritty said:

Tell me what Fan edits are really good.

This will probably be the last thing I say as a reply, because you’re being very negative toward everybody and I think it’s very immature that you seem to think your edit is so perfect you’re unwilling to check out any others, BUT I’m going to give you some examples of fanedits that are the cream of the crop in my opinion:

  • Adywan’s A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back Revisited (which are both on another level to any other fan edit to date)
  • HAL 9000’s Star Wars prequels (Cloak of Deception, The Approaching Storm, Labyrinth of Evil)
  • L8wrtr’s Star Wars prequels (whose titles escape me at the moment)
  • Uncanny Antman’s Terminator 3: The Coming Storm
  • Spence’s Frank Herbert’s Dune (movie edit of the 2000 SciFi channel miniseries)
  • TM2YC’s Star Trek: Vengeance (edit of Star Trek Into Darkness)
  • Various Hobbit edits are good (Maple Films, l8wrtr, Spence)

And SO many others. That’s just what comes to mind that I’ve personally seen. Spend some time browsing through IFDb (the fanedit database on fanedit.org), organize them by rating (both directions) to see what edits people have responded to positively for examples of what to do and negatively for examples of what not to do.

If you made these for yourself and you’re satisfied with them, then great. But if you want to share them with an established community you have to spend some time acclimating yourself with the community to see what people’s expectations are. If the expectations beyond what you are willing to deal with, that’s fine, but don’t lash out at people in the community for expecting the same shit from you they expect from everyone else.

And maybe be a little more respectful in the future and open to advice and criticism.


The Ritty said:

Thanks again to those that requested them, hopefully I get something I can use back from any of you. Thank you for just taking the time

Well, being 1 of the 4 people you mentioned who requested to see your edits, and seeing how I’ve already supplied feedback in the past via PM’s, I’ll continue to keep my word.

I just started watching TPM. Again, I like the idea of a different language for Jar Jar, but his voice seems to go back and forth in pitch. I believe you used the US version for his noises and other short phrases. The levels of the hindi? track also are pretty loud compared to the rest. I point this out as I’m having a hard time finding a good level to watch this at.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


Sounds impressive I’ll watch em

“I will call this one BOHIJ”
-Chris O’Neil

“Heh Funnie Scream”
-The Boys From Oneyplays


ChainsawAsh said:

The Ritty said:

Tell me what Fan edits are really good.

This will probably be the last thing I say as a reply, because you’re being very negative toward everybody and I think it’s very immature that you seem to think your edit is so perfect you’re unwilling to check out any others, BUT I’m going to give you some examples of fanedits that are the cream of the crop in my opinion:

  • Adywan’s A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back Revisited (which are both on another level to any other fan edit to date)
  • HAL 9000’s Star Wars prequels (Cloak of Deception, The Approaching Storm, Labyrinth of Evil)
  • L8wrtr’s Star Wars prequels (whose titles escape me at the moment)
  • Uncanny Antman’s Terminator 3: The Coming Storm
  • Spence’s Frank Herbert’s Dune (movie edit of the 2000 SciFi channel miniseries)
  • TM2YC’s Star Trek: Vengeance (edit of Star Trek Into Darkness)
  • Various Hobbit edits are good (Maple Films, l8wrtr, Spence)

And SO many others. That’s just what comes to mind that I’ve personally seen. Spend some time browsing through IFDb (the fanedit database on fanedit.org), organize them by rating (both directions) to see what edits people have responded to positively for examples of what to do and negatively for examples of what not to do.

If you made these for yourself and you’re satisfied with them, then great. But if you want to share them with an established community you have to spend some time acclimating yourself with the community to see what people’s expectations are. If the expectations beyond what you are willing to deal with, that’s fine, but don’t lash out at people in the community for expecting the same shit from you they expect from everyone else.

And maybe be a little more respectful in the future and open to advice and criticism.

Again, I’m not trying to be a dick to ANYONE lol…seriously. I did ask for advice and criticism but towards to edits that’s why I want people to watch them but I just don’t need criticism for nonsense like no cutlist. I will not spoil them that way. But who cares about that anyways. Thanks for the list I’m gonna check of the first two SW ones you mentioned. I won;t do the prequels with all changed titles cuz that puts me off right there. My intention is not to change the movies just make them fit better intot heir places in the over all saga. I changed one name on mine but that’s cuz there literally IS NO ATTACK of the clones lol…but that’s my own personal nonsense choice. I tried to make a T3 once and got close to the end but it just became boring to me and I stopped. The first hour I did was real good so Ii’ll def check that edit out to see how they fixed what I felt I couldn’t. Never cared for dune, not a fan of the hobbit stuff - I’ll never re-visit them (LOTR 1 was good, 2 was great, 3 was shite and hobbit one was shite, two was great and three was half good). Those movies piss me off because they’re really an exact copy of the animated films and I prefer the old 70’s/80’s way of having to MAKE a film work rather than turn it into 5 other movies…If you film the entire book then what’s the point of reading it ever again?

Now let me ask you a question - what didn’t you like about Star Trek 12? Forget the SW nonsense we’ve back and forth’d above - this is about ST. I loved Darkness, I know a lot of people didn’t. I don’t see why a diff edit is needed. Beyond was ok but I don’t think that could even be fixed with a diff edit but what was your take on 12 and was the fan edit radically different or just a tighter, leaner animal?

Thanks - and again please don’t ANYONE be offended by anything I say or presume I’m gonna be an arse to you. I’ve said it before I’m on a LOT of pain meds and from the brain to the keyboard gets messy sometimes. 😉

Cheers and thanks for the heads up on the fan flicks!

I consider my edits ‘blueprints’…not fan edits. They represent what could have been… 😉


The Ritty said:

Now let me ask you a question - what didn’t you like about Star Trek 12? Forget the SW nonsense we’ve back and forth’d above - this is about ST. I loved Darkness, I know a lot of people didn’t. I don’t see why a diff edit is needed. Beyond was ok but I don’t think that could even be fixed with a diff edit but what was your take on 12 and was the fan edit radically different or just a tighter, leaner animal?

The thing is, if you look up Vengeance on fanedit.org, you can find out what the editor didn’t like about the film and what changes he made to improve it for himself. That’s all people are asking for.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

The Ritty said:

Now let me ask you a question - what didn’t you like about Star Trek 12? Forget the SW nonsense we’ve back and forth’d above - this is about ST. I loved Darkness, I know a lot of people didn’t. I don’t see why a diff edit is needed. Beyond was ok but I don’t think that could even be fixed with a diff edit but what was your take on 12 and was the fan edit radically different or just a tighter, leaner animal?

The thing is, if you look up Vengeance on fanedit.org, you can find out what the editor didn’t like about the film and what changes he made to improve it for himself. That’s all people are asking for.

You’re just talking nonsense.


The Ritty said:

ChainsawAsh said:

The Ritty said:

Tell me what Fan edits are really good.

This will probably be the last thing I say as a reply, because you’re being very negative toward everybody and I think it’s very immature that you seem to think your edit is so perfect you’re unwilling to check out any others, BUT I’m going to give you some examples of fanedits that are the cream of the crop in my opinion:

  • Adywan’s A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back Revisited (which are both on another level to any other fan edit to date)
  • HAL 9000’s Star Wars prequels (Cloak of Deception, The Approaching Storm, Labyrinth of Evil)
  • L8wrtr’s Star Wars prequels (whose titles escape me at the moment)
  • Uncanny Antman’s Terminator 3: The Coming Storm
  • Spence’s Frank Herbert’s Dune (movie edit of the 2000 SciFi channel miniseries)
  • TM2YC’s Star Trek: Vengeance (edit of Star Trek Into Darkness)
  • Various Hobbit edits are good (Maple Films, l8wrtr, Spence)

And SO many others. That’s just what comes to mind that I’ve personally seen. Spend some time browsing through IFDb (the fanedit database on fanedit.org), organize them by rating (both directions) to see what edits people have responded to positively for examples of what to do and negatively for examples of what not to do.

If you made these for yourself and you’re satisfied with them, then great. But if you want to share them with an established community you have to spend some time acclimating yourself with the community to see what people’s expectations are. If the expectations beyond what you are willing to deal with, that’s fine, but don’t lash out at people in the community for expecting the same shit from you they expect from everyone else.

And maybe be a little more respectful in the future and open to advice and criticism.

Now let me ask you a question - what didn’t you like about Star Trek 12? Forget the SW nonsense we’ve back and forth’d above - this is about ST. I loved Darkness, I know a lot of people didn’t. I don’t see why a diff edit is needed. Beyond was ok but I don’t think that could even be fixed with a diff edit but what was your take on 12 and was the fan edit radically different or just a tighter, leaner animal?

Well, first, it wasn’t my fan edit. Second, there’s a very detailed cutlist for it available on IFDb, which I read and compared to another STID fan edit cutlist. That’s why I decided on Vengeance, because it conformed very closely to my problems with the film - Kirk and Spock’s relationship, Kirk being demoted then promoted again, Uhura’s characterization, the reason for Spock’s pursuit of Khan at the end, among others. Third, it is actually a fairly radical edit, in that it required a lot of deep restructuring of individual scenes, new FX work, etc.

There are so many different edits of the same film that, without a cutlist to compare against others, you’ll have a hard time getting people to take the time to download and watch yours when they may have already found one that gets pretty close to what they want.


ChainsawAsh said:

There are so many different edits of the same film that, without a cutlist to compare against others, you’ll have a hard time getting people to take the time to download and watch yours when they may have already found one that gets pretty close to what they want.


Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


NEW LINKS coming friday! The Last Jedi added.

I consider my edits ‘blueprints’…not fan edits. They represent what could have been… 😉


ChainsawAsh said:

The Ritty said:

NEW LINKS coming friday! The Last Jedi added.

How? It isn’t available on DVD or Blu-ray yet.

LOL I’m not magic… I don’t even think TLJ is able to be saved 😦 I think TFA might have to just be dropped and all will remain happily ever after, after ROTJ haha

BUT to those had requested the original links for the other films I will be updating those so check you email inboxes (not posting here - lol that’s not what I meant).

I consider my edits ‘blueprints’…not fan edits. They represent what could have been… 😉


Well, your post (“The Last Jedi added”) implied that you’d done an edit of it already, which is against forum rules until it’s available on DVD/Blu-Ray.


The funniest thing about star wars is I don’t believe Lucas really cared about these kinds of things. I think he enjoyed it. Much like The Last Jedi - Disney has taken the FUN out of star wars. I’ve been paying for Star Wars since 1983. I OWN thar sh*t lol vhs beta laserdic SPECIAL EDITONS in theaters widescreen vhs special editon ultimate edition The Prequels waiting outside all day dvd special edition dvd blu ray special edtion blu ray… ALL THE TOYS…

Do I not have the right to make my own versions lol? Like c’mon… ROTJ is my fave cuz it’s the first I saw in theaters and afterwards I got a care bare and a Gamorian Guard lol Point is I can remember ever penny Star Wars got from me. I shouldn’t have to pay for it period. Anyone remember when they would play them on tv on a staurday night and youd HAVE to tape it? You know with the machine and tapes they gave us and TOLD us to use? LOL Those were the days…

How many of y’all like TLJ? …and if so then WHY? 😉

I consider my edits ‘blueprints’…not fan edits. They represent what could have been… 😉


The Ritty said:

Do I not have the right to make my own versions lol? Like c’mon…

Legally, no, not really, but as long as you own the official versions that you’re using as a source to make your own versions, then it’s 100% permitted on this forum.

I shouldn’t have to pay for it period.

If you want to make an edit and post about it here, you better have paid for the version you’re using to create your edit. You can’t work on a TLJ edit and talk about it here until you’ve bought the official DVD or Blu-Ray release, which is months away. (And if you bought the standard definition DVD and not the Blu-Ray, making it in high definition from a pirated HD copy is also against forum rules, for the record.)


Would it be permitted if, let’s say, you have the TFA bluray at your house, but you’re editing a version that you downloaded from a public torrent site?


Gray area, I think, but if you have no method of ripping the disc yourself and can prove that you do actually own it, I’d allow it if I were a mod*.

*I am not a mod and I’d totally understand if I’m wrong on this and it’s actually not allowed.


In any case, it would probably be best not to advertise that fact. As far as the DMCA is concerned (obviously not everyone is under that), there is a big difference between a torrented movie and a self made rip. Though I agree that the point is somewhat moot when the end product just gets torrented anyway.

You’re always a cheap drive away from a full rip, though. Unless you’re downloading a full BD ISO, you would be getting a (very, probably) compressed version that you’re going to re encode from. If you’re going to spend time on edits, it makes sense to do it from decent quality sources.


What’s your sample size that called these “genious”? Are the film’s any different than your initial edits of them?

I feel this quote is summing up my response.

towne32 said:

It’s not completely clear what this is, but the vague description alludes to it being a massive, enormous, and ambitious series of edits. But the details just suggest ‘no Jar Jar, some splicing of clone war episodes, new crawls, and DVD quality, but maybe just a blueprint’.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


You have a Solo edit? The Blu-Ray doesn’t come out until September?