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Post #1224268

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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
9-Jul-2018, 12:49 PM

yotsuya said:

Collipso said:

i’m only one minute in and he’s already bashing everyone that doesn’t like the movie and saying that we don’t like it simply because our theories were wrong. that’s simply not true, i liked rey being a nobody, but i wish we had more information on Snoke to help bridge the 30 year gap and how we went from ‘RIP the empire’ to ‘RIP the rebels’ with a new extremely powerful emperor. we’re two movies in already and we have no idea why the galaxy is in the state it’s in, and Snoke’s “backstory” could help with that.

What what exactly was Palpatine’s backstory before the prequels? What exactly is his backstory in the prequels? That we don’t get information on Snoke is not exactly something new.

but it is. in Star Wars, it’s simply said that there’s an empire and there’s an emperor and that they’re evil. we have no reason to question such setting, it’s simply the setting the story is set on.

the problem with the ST in that regard is that the empire is pretty much defeated at the end of RotJ. and then the next time we see the galaxy (in the ST), the empire’s back, the rebels are the underdogs again for some reason (even though they were victorious the last time we saw them), there’s a new, stronger emperor… all this begs some questions. how did we get here from the point we were on in RotJ?, for example.

it’d be like going from the ending of TPM straight into SW. it’d make no sense and we’d need some sort of backstory, we’d ask some questions, which the answer would be, in this hypothetical case, AotC and RotS.