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Post #1223824

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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
7-Jul-2018, 3:48 PM

DrDre said:

DominicCobb said:

From Holdo’s perspective, there’s no guarantee whatsoever that Poe will lie over like a lap dog and accept her plan. I don’t know why you think she should be able to assume this just because we as an audience see he does later, but that she shouldn’t have confidence that she can take back control. It makes a whole lot more sense to me that she’d trust her and her compatriots’ skills more than she’d trust Poe’s judgment, especially considering the whole reason she hasn’t told Poe in the first place is she doesn’t trust his judgment. She’s completely consistent here, staying steadfast to her plan and her judgment of Poe all the way (like I said, Poe attempting mutiny only serves to make her trust him less).

Not to mention, we can’t even really know for sure that Poe would’ve taken it well. There’s an argument to be made that having Leia tell the plan to him after his plan and mutiny was dead and buried and this was the only option left made him more open to Holdo’s plan. Who knows if in the moment, while Poe was trying to get everything to work, that he would’ve just given up and rolled over.

Sorry this doesn’t make any sense to me. There’s no guarantee Poe will accept her plan, but since it is a possibility, and it involves the least risk to everyone on board, she should consider this, even if she believes it’s unlikely, which we later find out it is not. There’s no downside to her telling Poe, and if he does reject her plan, she can still enact her take over plan, as she did in the film. If he does accept her plan, they can proceed with no additional risk to the lifes on board.

It’s one thing to say “it would potentially make sense for her to do this thing” and to say “it makes no sense whatsoever for her to do this other thing.” Just because I can see why she might tell him doesn’t mean that that’s the only thing she would reasonably do in that situation, especially when, as I’ve pointed out, it is completely consistent with her character and their dynamic to not. Of course there’s a downside. Holdo’s plan is on a need to know basis. Poe attempting a mutiny doesn’t suddenly reward him access to that information. Like I said, it probably makes her more resolute in her decision to not give it to him.