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Post #1223651

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
6-Jul-2018, 9:04 PM

TV’s Frink said:

Ah, well now that you’ve brought up shit-stirring I see where you’re headed. I suspected it but didn’t bother to bring it up, but there it is. If my time here is short, so be it. I like it a lot less here lately anyway.

Get off your cross.

I’m not surprised you like it less since you’re no longer being allowed to treat the entire forum as your personal playground and overwhelm half the topics with nonsense. As I’ve said to numerous members over the last 15 years, you’re welcome to leave at any time.

dahmage said:

Wow, Jay shows up and tries to push Frink to look like a ban-worth troll (this is my takeaway).

Your takeaway is wrong.

moviefreakedmind said:

Jay said:
“You’re quite obviously wrong, and I can’t be bothered to explain why.”

I feel the need to point out that you have done exactly this to me.

I don’t remember the exact post(s), but I’m guessing you and I had to go in circles before I ended up in that place; it probably wasn’t for lack of trying, and I probably only went there out of frustration. Frink defaults to that point of view. Not the same thing.

I found your previous post mostly reasonable except for the whole “the world is in the shitter” thing. I’m guessing we could pick any year on the calendar and had you been alive at that time, you would’ve been saying the world is in terrible shape. A negative outlook on life tends to do that.

I don’t think the world is at its worst. I think the worst of the world is on the news and social media 24 hours a day, everything has become politicized, and it’s eating away at people’s sense of well-being. I decided not to be a victim of that mentality any longer. The truth, despite all the imperfect things about this world, is that this is probably the best time to be alive in human history.