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Post #1223593

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
6-Jul-2018, 6:25 PM

TV’s Frink said:

Really it seems like you need to just ignore me. Maybe bring back the ignore list and put me on yours. Because you’re not going to change who I am or how I post. I don’t even know why you’d want to, but it sure does seem to bother you.

In short, I don’t think your participation represents a genuine attempt to understand and appreciate ideas beyond your own.

I’ve read plenty of opposing viewpoints from other members whose opinions I respect because they walk through their thought process and provide a basis for their viewpoint. Even if we disagree vehemently, I know where they stand and why. If I believe they’re debating in good faith, no problem.

With you, I mostly get a vibe of, “You’re quite obviously wrong, and I can’t be bothered to explain why.” Being a trickster for the sake of a laugh is kind of your trademark, which is fine; I just ignore it if the OP doesn’t express concern. But when it deviates from silliness or sarcasm and gets closer to people’s political/personal beliefs, I expect more than curt one-liners without substantive commentary or support. It reads as shit-stirring and I have a low tolerance for it.