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Post #1223563

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
6-Jul-2018, 5:09 PM

TV’s Frink said:

Comedy has been closed off to all but white males the majority of the time for way too long.

This statement is absurd. mfm already laid out why. Anybody who watches standup, sitcoms, movies, etc. and tries to claim that it’s not representative of a diverse range of genders, races, and backgrounds isn’t paying attention.

In fact, comedy is one of the only places we can acknowledge cultural differences in a comfortable setting and laugh about them rather than screeching “Racist!” at each other. Comedy has done much to bring different people together and has given white people essential exposure to different cultures that they wouldn’t have had otherwise.

TV’s Frink said:

But I also know you love hyperbole and getting outraged at perceived slights.

Uh, hello, pot.

TV’s Frink said:

Mrebo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Mrebo said:

I expect that in an increasingly egalitarian society diversity occurs naturally.

Let me know when it happens.

I think it’s happening all the time.

Ah, problem solved then.

Spoiler - it’s not even close.

Stop watching media that tells you everything is awful and the world is ending because your candidate lost. It’s poisoning your mind.

chyron8472 said:

Jeebus said:

chyron8472 said:

Mrebo said:

I must be blessed to not suffer any white male guilt.

To some degree, I genuinely feel that people need to be responsible for themselves and stop blaming the rest of society. For example, I understand that the colonists that appeared in America back in the day did horrible things to the Native Americans. I understand that much of the Native American population is poor. But at some point I really don’t see the value in the United States government giving reparations to them anymore.

The value is in helping disadvantaged groups get out of artificial poverty. It’s really hard for people to “pull themselves by their bootstraps” out of a hole that America dug and threw them into. You agree that Native Americans are not doing well right now, and I hope you can agree that it’s largely due to America’s past actions. Why prolong their suffering?

I’m fairly certain people in Europe conquered other people in Europe over the centuries, and I doubt many of the conquered over there get reparations for it. I know that sounds callous, but I still feel that way.

Because getting a handout does not help one feel successful. I understand some people need it, but it will not ultimately motivate them to create a situation for themselves where they don’t need it. In some respect, people may even take it for granted and come to accept indefinite dependence on it.

I don’t see how this is at all analogous.

It is analogous because, although it’s hard for people to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps”, to some degree it is necessary. If you want something bad enough, you need to fight for it. Having the government paying them does not necessarily ultimately lessen their suffering, but rather allows it to fester, because sometimes pain is necessary to affect change. Removing pain caused by injury does not necessarily help the injury to heal itself.

One of the most surprising things to me is the increase in minority support for Trump since he’s been in office, especially among blacks. Part of what’s driving that upswing – which I think is only going to continue trending in that direction – is a movement on the center-right to get black people thinking about what exactly the Democrats have done to improve their lives in the last 60 years (or ever, really). Black conservatives like Larry Elders argue black people overall have it worse since the Civil Rights Act passed, not better. Way more kids raised without fathers, millions of black men in prison thanks in large part to crime bills supported by black community leadership like Sharpton and Jackson and signed by President Clinton, insane black-on-black crime rates, a drug war supported by both parties that has disproportionately affected black people, etc.

Now that’s not to suggest that the Civil Rights Act caused these problems, just that it hasn’t done anything to solve them. Despite every white person supposedly being consciously or subconsciously racist, the Asian and Indian communities have done extremely well academically and professionally in the U.S., so they prove minorities can be very successful here. In fact, Asians have done so well that Harvard implemented an admissions program that reduced Asian acceptance rates in favor of “diversity”, which has them in a lot of hot water at the moment.

Maybe telling someone they’re a victim of their circumstances and their race from the day they’re born sets them up with a poor foundation for success. The movement is pushing for black people to stop blaming white people because it hasn’t moved the black community forward, stop looking to politicians (even black politicians) to solve their problems, and look to themselves to figure out a way forward.