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Post #1223066

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
5-Jul-2018, 3:15 PM

TV’s Frink said:

moviefreakedmind said:

DominicCobb said:

moviefreakedmind said:

TV’s Frink said:

Writing a person’s name in “stutter” is clever? What world am I even living in?

But yeah just sounds like you are bitter.

I don’t understand why you would refuse to acknowledge that there’s a tiny bit of humor in this story. Even if you don’t think it’s funny, I don’t get why it’s so shocking to you that this pointless, waste-of-time story might make someone chuckle a little bit in spite of the fact that it’s about a mean barista. But yeah, sure, I’m bitter. I don’t like it when people pretend to care about other people. I’d rather just admit that they don’t care, because I always respect honesty more than moralizing bullshit.

Just because the barista was trying to make a joke doesn’t make it funny, it just makes him a dick.

Does it really make him a dick? Are you really going to tell me that you’ve never once in your life been mean to someone else? Are you a dick? Are you a “terrible person” as Frink put it? (Speaking of Frink, I’ve seen him be pretty mean to people on this forum. I don’t think he’s a terrible person because of it.) For all we know, which is nothing other than that some guy got made fun of at Starbucks, this barista is a totally fucking pleasant person that maybe just made a poor joke because he was miserable at his shitty, degrading customer-service job. Maybe he’s a really mean dude, but perhaps he’s really charitable and spends his time volunteering at homeless shelters and helping people. Would he be a terrible person or a dick then? Maybe he really is just a giant pile of sub-human shit that no one would miss if he died tomorrow. We don’t fucking know. Maybe Sam, the customer, was really mean to the barista. Or maybe he’s the nicest guy in the world. We don’t fucking know. It’s not like the barista poured dish soap in the guy’s drink. It’s not like I’m laughing at someone for getting run over. I’m not even laughing at anyone, really. I just thought it was a kind of funny story. This is one of the reasons why I avoid other people. You can’t even chuckle at some distant, inconsequential event anymore without people finding it upsetting.

mfm is Starbucks barista sock confirmed.

You got me. I guess I should never try to make a nuanced analysis of anything ever again. Is that the message?