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Post #1222233

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The Dream of the Giant Fractal Woodlouse.
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Date created
3-Jul-2018, 11:08 AM

I’m going to leave out the sexy bits and focus on the nightmarish plot.

For some reason, a clandestine group of Hollywood higher-ups decided that certain movies—chosen arbitrarily—no longer existed. All copies were inexplicably purged from home collections in the middle of the night. I spent a night in a small hotel, and happened to have some of the movies that were banned with me, thus not at home to be destroyed. It was entirely coincidental, as I didn’t know about the purge.

I got a text from someone saying his house was on fire and he needed help, but I kept either passing out or being attacked and knocked out by my brother every time I would try to leave and help him. Eventually I made it to his place, but everything was fine by then.

I had to go back to the high school for some event, and while there, I started catching on to the grand movie conspiracy, because I noticed people disappearing or being murdered just for mentioning the movies that were banned. I went home and saw a disc explode. I figured pretty soon that I was going to die, but when someone arrived to kill me, I killed him first. Then I realized that society was meaningless, and began roaming the streets naked.

Then, it all went crazy. I’m not even sure what was happening, or how to describe it. I almost died several times.

In the end, everything that happened was fake.