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Post #1220812

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All Things Star Trek
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Date created
28-Jun-2018, 2:28 PM

chyron8472 said:

Tobar said:

I don’t think Frink would be a fan of Enterprise. The first couple seasons kind of creep me out, it always felt like the focus was what compromising situation can we put T’Pol in this week?

To be fair, the Vulcans were (are?) super-bigoted about people showing emotions or making decisions remotely influenced by them. Her assignment to Enterprise allowed her to see just how wrong and narrow-minded the traditional Vulcan view of humans is. At the same time, she was a foil to Archer’s ability to get hot headed at times. Similar to Kirk and Spock, or Janeway and Tuvok. I liked it.

I don’t see why the crew regularly challenging T’Pol’s preconceptions about humans is a bad thing. She develops as a character over time and comes to respect the crew and their captain; and she even defends them later, at a time when the Vulcans were trying to convince Earth to mothball Starfleet because Enterprise got a whole colony of 3600 people killed.

You do recall they were framed for that?