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Post #1220807

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All Things Star Trek
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Date created
28-Jun-2018, 1:29 PM

pittrek said:

TV’s Frink said:

pittrek said:

I could never understand the hatred of Enterprise, and usually by the same people who say things like “Voyager is my favourite Trek show”. I truly liked the first three seasons, hated the last one, which interestingly enough seems to be the favourite season of most people.

Well this sounds pretty hate-worthy to me…

Tobar said:

The first couple seasons kind of creep me out, it always felt like the focus was what compromising situation can we put T’Pol in this week?

I honestly don’t really remember anything like that, there were a few cringe-worthy decontamination scenes, there was just one episode where T’Pol was horny and tried to get somebody to f her, but that’s all I can remember.

She’s done more than try.

I’m not sure though if you’re referring to the time she contracted a microbe that prematurely made her enter pon farr (the Vulcan mating period) [http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Bounty_(episode)], or when she had sex with Commander Tucker and said later it was simply an experiment in mating rituals [http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Harbinger_(episode)].

But then, the latter happened in Season 3, after she and Trip were already becoming more and more close over the course of the season. Also Vulcans are essentially allergic to Trellium, which is on the ship to protect it from spacial anomalies, so it is constantly messing with the portion of her brain that controls reason and gives her an ability to contain her emotions.