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Post #1219078

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
22-Jun-2018, 5:51 PM

moviefreakedmind said:

Mrebo said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Warbler said:

Warbler said:

Tell me, if someone were to say to you that abortion is not a huge and controversial issue, would you waste time trying to convince the guy that he was wrong?

Ok, I am going to re-word this to make crystal clear what I meant here.

Tell me, if someone were to say to you that 1 + 1 does not equal 2, would you waste time trying to convince the guy that he was wrong?

That’s a horrible example. It’s probably the worst and most inaccurate analogy you could possibly have chosen. The right claims that illegal immigration is a huge threat to the nation. I, and others, have said that that threat is largely manufactured and isn’t a huge “problem” as in it isn’t a huge danger to this country. You, for some reason, refuse to drop this idea that we’re somehow saying that illegal immigration isn’t controversial, which no one said. Then you don’t even articulate why you think it’s so irrational for us not to find illegal immigration to be a horrifying threat to the American way of life. Yeah, that situation is nothing like someone claiming that 1 + 1 doesn’t equal 2.

Mrebo said:

See Jay, just stop criticizing liberals and you’ll be okay 😉

Oh my God. Can you two people really not figure out that it’s ridiculous and unreasonable to just lump all liberals in with the stupid people of the left? I’m sure Jay would have a big problem, and probably attribute the behavior to ‘modern liberals’, if I said, “The problem with modern conservatives is that they keep having Nazi rallies and running people over that try to counter-protest them.” Something tells me that Jay wouldn’t think that this was intelligent commentary.

Your “oh my God” made me laugh. What Jay said was he has come to expect an inability to weigh nuance from modern liberals. If you think that’s unfair, fine. But the complaint instead was that he said something bad about liberals (that he was using “liberal” as an epithet). Imagine instead of your Nazi analogy, you said what Jay said, but about “modern conservatives” (talk about an oxymoron, amirite?).

If I complained that you were using “conservative” as an epithet by saying you expect an inability to weigh nuance…I think that clearly misses the point.

What? That’s not all he’s blamed on “the left” and “Democrats”. He’s attributing purity tests, language policing, mass hypocrisy, etc. etc. on “the left”. The wording changes sometimes, but it’s usually “the left,” “modern liberals,” “liberals,” and language like that. Perhaps a less extreme example from me would be, “The problem with modern conservatives is that they refuse to disavow neo-Nazis,” or “The problem with modern conservatives is that they disregard the Constitution,” or “The problem with modern conservatives is that they condone police murder,” or “The problem with modern conservatives is that they vote for idiotic reality TV stars,” or “The problem with modern conservatives is that they condone voter suppression.” It’s dishonest and unfair.

I wonder if the other liberal members in this thread who take issue with Jay’s comments also think your hypothetical criticisms of conservatives are dishonest and unfair.

The reason I gave you an “oh my God,” is because you can’t, or refuse to, wrap your mind around the fact that no one (literally no one in this thread) has said that you can’t criticize liberals.

Go back and note my emote.