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Date created
18-Jun-2018, 1:46 AM

TV’s Frink said:

I think you can agree that any percentage is disgusting.

The question though is not at what percentage it is disgusting, but at what point it is a systemic problem of the Church and at what point the top bears culpability. I don’t know what that number is, and the latter (culpability) relies on a multitude of other factors as well.

I will say, I was raised in the Church, went to Catholic school through high school, and I was very insulated from the degree to which this was a systemic problem. We were always told it was a few bad apples; everyone was out to get the Church for it unfairly. The truth, as always, is probably somewhere in between. Though my estimate creeps closer to culpability the more I read.

Ironically, the Church is horrible at self-reflection and owning up to its flaws and mistakes, while it’s adherents are told they must confess their sins to a priest it appoints or face eternal hellfire. What a farce.