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Post #1215903

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Movies generally considered "bad" that you like.
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Date created
10-Jun-2018, 10:34 PM

Collipso said:

what’s so ugly about it? i mean, sure, this

is pretty fucking gross, but i don’t see why it looks bad.

It just looks so drab and dull. Not to mention fake. And computer fake looks real fake. With how inspired the original films were visually, it just sucks.

I remember going to an Indiana Jones marathon back before the Blu-ray release, and the theater announced that they’d give out prizes at the end. Someone shouted, “Does that mean we have to watch Crystal Skull?” Much laughter was had. Sure, nothing can compare to Raiders, but when it can’t offer anything to make you want to even watch it, maybe there’s something about it that just doesn’t stack up.