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Post #1215786

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1997 Star Wars Special Edition 35mm Project (a WIP)
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Date created
10-Jun-2018, 3:32 AM

Synnöve said:

poita said:

The last reel is finishing up now. I’ll be transferring the files off (that alone takes 30 odd hours) and will be creating a ProRes proxy over the weekend.
I will have the version ready for checking early next week, thanks to the people who contacted me via PM, I will break up the reels so that you have one reel each to check. Please use the burned-in timecode to report any issues.
Thanks again for the help, I’d like to ensure we find any issues while the print is still available for re-scanning if needed.

For the Pro-Res, how will you be encoding that? 12bit CINEON or another log curve?

For the proxy?
It is just a low resolution file for checking for lost frames or other problems, it is just a 720P 8bit Rec709 file to keep the file sizes down. For checking colour I am using the DPX files directly, or the ProRes 4444XQ 12bit file encoded from the DPX files, but at a TB per reel, the 4444XQ files would be overkill for checking for basic scanning problems.