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Post #121459

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AviSynth and Virtualdub filters
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Date created
6-Jul-2005, 11:51 PM
ok downloading is stopped for now,i captured the fullscreen version of star wars anh for ocpmovie and i noticed it is pretty darn bright,not just the capture either,i watched the ld to make sure, is there anything to darken up a movie?
the fullscreen versions really do not look that great at all,but what do you expect the whole movie on 1 disc,except rotj that is actually 2.
thank you laserman again, i will just take a capture i already did, and crop just a small chunk of it and start testing,but is there any way to see what you did?and if it made any difference without burning a bunch of dvd's?because i noticed windows media player looks like crap compared to what i actually watch on tv,so i cant really use that as a judge.

ps can give give me some titles of filters i should practice with?i am already going to use limitedsharpen()when i move on to avisynth,but i will just use vdub or vdubmod first as you said.