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Post #1213199

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Solo: A Star Wars Story — Official Review and Opinions Thread — SPOILERS
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Date created
31-May-2018, 4:41 AM

yotsuya said:

DrDre said:

SilverWook said:

I’m almost at the point where I will have no use for the community at all. I hope that guy gets paid by the word.

I’m not even sure that guy is part of the community. He seems to be writing about film in general, but I share his view, that Star Wars has become a franchise, that doesn’t go forward, because it’s obsessed with looking in the rearview mirror.

Funny, I thought TLJ moved to new territory and broke the pattern. And Solo should be fun, not epicly serious.

I disagree. An Empire vs rebels/new hope vs fallen Jedi apprentice replay is not my interpretation of breaking new ground. TLJ’s calculated story twists don’t alter the fact, that it still shares a lot of narrative and visual similarities with TESB and ROTJ. It’s less derivative than TFA, but the fact that TLJ is seen by many as moving to new territory, imo proves that Star Wars has become so limited in scope, that the slightest deviation from the mold is now seen as visionary, and creative.

Solo doesn’t have to be epicly serious, but the problem with it is, that it’s mostly interested in checking boxes. How did Han and Chewie meet? How did Han and Lando meet? How did Han obtain the Millenium Falcon? What’s the Kessel run? Aside from some cool visuals and some good performances this movie is the poster boy for unimaginative film making, the anti-thesis of what Star Wars used to be.

I seriously wonder if we will ever get a Star Wars film, that isn’t in some way a remix of Lucas’ greatest hits. What’s wrong with just telling a story about a new smuggler type character (or any other new character for that matter) set in the Star Wars universe, where we don’t know where all the characters end up? How about getting people to view your film simply on the merit of telling a good original story with good original characters, rather than relying on the classic characters, story tropes, nostalgia, and fan service to draw people in for another deja vu experience.