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Post #1212702

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
29-May-2018, 8:11 PM

Jeebus said:

DominicCobb said:

Mrebo said:

Jeebus said:

Mrebo said:

moviefreakedmind said:

As for mrebo, no one is cutting off the right, they’re bigger than ever on Youtube and just want to play the victim like they always do.

Yes, people on the right are being cut off. It’s not “playing victim” when powerful media corporations shut out people based on their political views.

Except that’s not what’s happening, at least in Youtube’s case. Youtube is demonetizing a great many people, not all of them are conservative or even political commentators at all. Left-wing commentators, gun channels, “reaction” channels, gaming channels, it’s happening across the board.

I have a problem with youtube’s demonetizing in general. I am more familiar with people on the right being targeted (and I’d include gun channels in that), but I am also aware of youtube discriminating against reaction & gaming channels for swearing (or extreme antics). But I’m not just talking youtube.

Extreme antics is an interesting way to describe racial slurs, anti-semitic language, and making light of suicide (including footage of a dead body). Amongst other things.

Let’s not act like those are just common behaviors that every channel partakes in. Unless you’re saying that because a couple people did shitty things, then everyone should be punished; if that’s the case, hard disagree.

You’re massively missing my point. I’m saying in some (read: not all) of these cases, demonetization is more than justified.