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Post #1211962

Hardcore Legend
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Solo: A Star Wars Story — Official Review and Opinions Thread — SPOILERS
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Date created
28-May-2018, 10:40 AM

Han is naive in this film. He’s had a hard life but he thinks being a thief is great and the life will be glamorous. As this film progresses, he learns that you can lose the ones you love, you can die alone, the people you trust can betray you and other people in the galaxy are suffering too. I imagine that if there is a sequel, he will be broken and jaded somehow by Q’ra. She will either be killed by Maul or betray Han to the point where he doesn’t trust women or “sticks his neck out for no one”.

There is growth in this film. It just doesn’t hit you over the head with sweeping orchestra and slow motion realization.