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Post #1211753

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Solo: A Star Wars Story — Official Review and Opinions Thread — SPOILERS
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Date created
27-May-2018, 6:39 PM

darthrush said:

I also want to hit on how Han Solo really has no consistent development in the movie. I did not see a big arc for him in the movie. And when he said “No, I’m a terrible person”, I was just flabbergasted. The whole exchange there was trying to paint Han Solo in this jaded anti-hero way, when really, in the context of his actions in Solo, there is absolutely no reason to see him as anything else than a good guy. Not even close to an anti-hero, or the roguish, jaded Han Solo that we meet in A New Hope. It felt like the movie was trying to shove it down our throats that yeah, Han Solo is jaded and not a good person!

And how stupid is it that Solo is basically the one who helped jumpstart the Rebellion at the end of the movie.

Sorry for my complaining, I genuinely understand how people enjoyed it, but many aspects of how they dealt with Solo as a character felt off to me. I’d love to hear how some of you guys interpreted things differently from me.

You misread what was going on. The movie wasn’t trying to paint him as a jaded outlaw, he was. In the text of the film he’s basically trying hard to be Han Solo, that’s the point. But he’s not there yet.