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Post #1211664

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Han - Solo Movie ** Spoilers **
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Date created
27-May-2018, 2:08 PM

ZkinandBonez said:

DominicCobb said:

The story group doesn’t really force things in, there’ve been no examples of that that I can think of. They’re there for consultation and brainstorming.

I just meant that they might suggest places and characters during the writing process. It’s not uncommon for screenwriters to temporarily creste a place or character without a name or any specific details. With the story group I’d imagine they help fill these gaps. Plus, I’m sure the Kasdan’s simply asked them for help several times.

My guess would be that Saw Gerrera in RO was originally just an unnamed “terrorist” and that at some point someone at the story group figured he resembled Saw From Clone Wars and suggested they use that name.

They don’t force anything, but they probably have a pretty large(-ish) influence on the stories.

Yeah definitely, that all sounds right. I just remember I think I saw someone here say that they forced Maul into this, which seems quite off base.