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Post #1211615

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Solo: A Star Wars Story — Official Review and Opinions Thread — SPOILERS
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Date created
27-May-2018, 12:39 PM

Ryan-SWI said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

Ryan-SWI said:

Oh, okay.

Don’t get why them being women is relevant at all though.

It’s relevant to the history of the trope, as it’s typically women dying to advance the man plot/character arc. Val died so Woody could… punch Han I guess? And L3 died so they could cannibalize her for parts.

And plenty of men die in the film to advance the plot and character arcs as well?

Hell, Dryden - the main villain - (a man) dies to advance the character arc of Qi’ra (a woman).


You’re also forgetting that Rio died in the very same scene as Val. Rio is a man.
What are you even on about?

Lol, honestly forgot about that guy. Movie dragged.

It’s not a gender issue at all, there’s no need to make it one.

It just seemed to be a step back after the steps forward from the previous movies. I don’t mean to say that the writers are actively sexist or anything, I just thought it was… well idk what word I’m looking for.

TV’s Frink said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

Ryan-SWI said:

Oh, okay.

Don’t get why them being women is relevant at all though.

It’s relevant to the history of the trope, as it’s typically women dying to advance the man plot/character arc. Val died so Woody could… punch Han I guess? And L3 died so they could cannibalize her for parts.

I think you’ve missed the point of both deaths by a wide mark, but I’ll let someone else explain. It’s too tiring.

That’s fair.