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Post #1211281

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Solo: A Star Wars Story — Official Review and Opinions Thread — SPOILERS
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Date created
26-May-2018, 4:51 PM

I get the impression that L3 is going to be a mini-TLJ of sorts, where most people either love her or hate her.

Just for the record, I thought she was ok, though she did borderline on annoying. I liked her droid-revolution, and her introduction was fun, but in the in-between Falcon scene(s) she just got too weird and nagging for my taste. I guess they wanted to make good use of the character before she got killed off, whereas K2 got to be spread out over the whole movie so his odd personality didn’t feel as over-the-top.

On a side note, I’m glad she was done as a mostly practical effect. K2 look good, but L3 had more of a “physical presence” in my opinion.