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Post #1210675

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Solo: A Star Wars Story — Official Review and Opinions Thread — SPOILERS
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Date created
25-May-2018, 3:57 PM

Anthony Daniels was the voice of one of the droids in Kessel, I think.

I wonder if Maul will play into the Kenobi spinoff in that Obi-Wan leaves to confront Maul and ends up taking down Crimson Dawn and leaving Maul stranded on Malachor with a live action replay of their final duel for a coda.

I liked that we saw Corellia for the first time.

Going to see it again tomorrow with my bff so I can absorb more of the details. So far it was better than R1 for me, except I still love R1’s final act more. Better than 80% of the Marvel Movies (IM2, IM3, Thor 1-2, Hulk, Ant Man, AOU, Black Panther) and on par with GOTG for me.

I do wish they would have held it back til December though cause the normies are complaining about fatigue.