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Post #1209200

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
22-May-2018, 7:38 PM

This Jordan Peterson thing is just a clear example of someone with an unintelligent opinion that is obviously lacking in any kind of ethical or rational value. I don’t get why we have to go out of our way to find value in opinions that are obviously dumb. The same can be said about the violent video games. The violent video games causing violence myth has been debunked so many times that there’s no reason to address it in conversation. It should be ignored as the distraction that it is.

Even if Peterson is right that makeup brings more sexual harassment (and he justifies the harassment by claiming that men are too stupid to know the rules), that doesn’t make women hypocrites in the actual definition of the word. It would be hypocritical to say that makeup is wrong and then choose to wear makeup. It isn’t hypocritical to wear makeup and not want sexual harassment. So Peterson doesn’t even have the premise of hypocrisy right. So much for academia.