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Post #1208419

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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place
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Date created
20-May-2018, 9:17 PM

TV’s Frink said:

Dek Rollins said:

TV’s Frink said:

Dek Rollins said:

Some gay people at my school constantly brag about how gay they are (mostly to eachother), and it’s extremely annoying. It’s like they think people like me actually care that they’re gay.

If I were gay and I heard someone talking like this, I’d certainly brag more, because I’d find it extremely annoying to listen to how annoyed that person was that I was talking about being gay.

It comes off as “you can be gay, just don’t bother me with your gayness.” Similar to how chyron is bothered by “flamboyant men.”

So I’m unreasonable for being annoyed by people ramble on with eachother about “I’m more gay than you” “No I’m more gay because this” “No I’m so gay I did this.” Okay.

I’m not going to be rude to these people and tell them to shut up, but I won’t start caring about how gay they are. Because I honestly don’t care.

They aren’t talking out of liberation. They just think they’re funny/interesting, but they’re not.

Did they ask you to care?

Isn’t that what attention-seeking behavior is at its core?