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Post #1208359

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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place
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Date created
20-May-2018, 6:13 PM

One of the biggest myths on the internet is that the far-left has a huge influence on mainstream art. I said it earlier, but most big movies and TV shows aren’t very progressive. They actually try to avoid controversial things. Take that IT reimagining from last year, for example. If Hollywood were really some bastion of social change and progressive politics, they would have used that as an opportunity for commentary on violence and racism faced by black families in rural white America, which was a prominent issue in the novel. Instead, they ignored it and didn’t once mention race. There’s a lot of examples of this. Hollywood and TV are quite moderate. They’re fringe left when compared to red-state southern culture, but not by any other standard they’re not.