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Post #1208309

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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place
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Date created
20-May-2018, 5:10 PM

suspiciouscoffee said:

Jay said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

Jay said:

moviefreakedmind said:

I have a feeling that comicbooks, like movies, video games, books, and almost everything else, aren’t anywhere near as politically subversive or progressive as people think. Typically corporate media tries not to be too progressive. I don’t know where the idea that every single media outlet is pushing progressive politics comes from.

EDIT: I know where the idea comes from, but I don’t know why anyone believes it.

but I’ve seen examples where a character’s sexuality was awkwardly inserted without much regard for its relevance to the story.

Yeah, like how my own actual gayness was awkwardly inserted without regard for its “relevance” to the lives of those around me! It’s almost like non-straight people exist on their own whether its relevant to anyone else or not.

Do you tell every person you meet that you’re gay and push it into everyday conversation

No, but some people might because of how incredibly liberating it is just to be able to safely tell people about it after years of closet life. Even then, I can’t think of any times anyone in a comic has just run up to people on the street to tell people how gay they are.

And I get that. All I’m saying is that if it’s in furtherance of the story and/or the artist wants it in there, cool, no problem. They just shouldn’t feel obligated to shoehorn that aspect of a character into the plot because a group of people think they should.

One of my best friends growing up was a 50-year-old lesbian. It’s all good with me.