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Post #1208244

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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread
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Date created
20-May-2018, 11:59 AM

Somehow I just got into an argument on Reddit about how Rey was the first female protagonist in Star Wars. One guy replied saying ‘Jyn Erso’, and another guy left this gem:

  1. Anakin is the main character of the saga, according to GL himself. The PT is the fall of Anakin. The OT is the rise and fall of Vader. The ST was intended to be the legacy of Vader but it feels more like a cash grab than anything.

  2. Leia is not a secondary character to Luke. Anyone who’s read even a single OT-era novel would know that if anything, Leia is more of a main character than Luke.

The guy then talked about Rey being a mary sue and then said this about me:

That comment has to be rage-bait and I’ve reported it as such.

I hate Reddit.