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Post #1207492

TV's Frink
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Date created
18-May-2018, 10:08 AM

A cult classic beloved by many gets a sequel years later, featuring the former star in a supporting role, fantastic visuals and music, a compelling continuation of the original sci-fi story, and an overall great experience that made me glad I got a chance to revisit the world created by the original.

Unfortunately the last move I seen wasn’t Tron Legacy, it was Blade Runner 2049.

The last half hour featured (surprise!) another wholly unnecessary nude woman, which happened to be the most blatant example of all of them. Go ahead and explain why the giant Joi hologram had to be naked and not dressed in any of the clothes she wore while with K/Joe. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

There wasn’t anything else in the last half hour that really elevated the film for me either. The mild surprise at the end was not a surprise at all and I never manage to guess these things. I will grant the end fight was very cool because you don’t typically see a fight in that circumstance and it’s kinda beautifully done.

Overall, this movie was fine. I still feel exactly the same about it as the original - it’s fine, maybe even good, but massively overrated. Oh and it’s too long. At 2 hours and 45 minutes, probably a good 45 minutes too long.

7/10 on its own merits, 6/10 because I expected more.