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Post #1206122

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The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)
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Date created
13-May-2018, 10:33 PM

Notes on the workprint, which I finally watched today:

  • Hux joke is as good as it’s gonna get, I think
  • Still hate the milking scene
  • Something really needs to be done with Space Leia…
  • Chewie eating Porgs edit is exactly how I would cut it, it works wonderfully
  • Luke and Artoo edit is seamless, love it
  • Trims to Finn and Rose’s first scenes work great too
  • I think you might be able to cut straight from Rose’s “But who knows where the breaker room is on a Star Destroyer?” to Poe’s “Give it to me again,” bypassing the “guy who used to mop it” comment (I’m still not a fan of the Finn being a janitor backstory and it really doesn’t matter, he was a stormtrooper so there shouldn’t be a question of how he knows)
  • I think Maz’s sex joke can be cut without losing anything
  • Caretaker removal is flawless. Great work Snooker!
  • Still think the reed joke should stay, but I can’t deny the scene still works with it gone
  • Agree with others who’ve said that the specific references to amount of fuel left (“18 hours” etc.) should be cut to make it seem like the movie takes place over a somewhat longer time span
  • Think you need to keep more of Rose’s description of Canto Bight to Finn before they land, it feels abrupt
  • Otherwise, the cutting down of Canto Bight works well, though I think a little bit of restructuring may be in order to address the pacing of intercutting between stories with so much of it gone now. I think restructuring will already be necessary when adding the Luke Has a Moment scene anyway, which could have a ripple effect when you get to the Canto Bight part anyway.
  • Has someone suggested adding foley between the two shots of DJ in the cell when he has his collar up in one but down the next?
  • PLEASE don’t reinstate the cowl line, it works so much better without it!
  • Maybe add a wipe transition after “Live free, don’t join”? The movie is a bit light on them as it is, and transitioning to the fleet like that seems like a good spot for one.
  • Please cut the iron gag. It makes me groan every time, and not in a good/endearing way.
  • The small trim in the Rey’s parentage reveal scene is welcome and quite seamless
  • Something must be done about BB-8 in the AT-ST…
  • LOVE the new placement of the Yoda scene! Maybe use a wipe to transition to Crait after it?
  • Maybe cut the Poe foot gag in the Crait assault sequence? Felt very prequel-y to me.
  • Not sure how much of Finn’s suicide run you cut, but it felt right to me
  • I’m very okay with the loss of Rose’s “saving what we love” line
  • I still don’t like Luke’s shoulder brush moment
  • I think broom boy works fine, even without showing him earlier at Canto Bight, but I’m still not a fan of the “decoder ring”

Overall I liked it a lot, but think it didn’t quite go far enough in some areas. I think when losing so much of Canto Bight, you need to restructure more liberally and add some of Finn’s act one deleted scenes and, if it can be polished adequately, the Finn/Rose shuttle scene as they escape the Star Destroyer. And I still think restructuring is necessary anyway if you plan to use the Luke Has a Moment scene, which the early Finn scenes might help out.