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Ranking the Star Wars films — Page 146


Am I in that group? I’m not really defending it, I’m just saying it’s the least of problems.



Mocata said:

I can’t believe there are so many CGI apologists.

i can’t believe i’m not allowed not to care about it without being called an apologist.


rodneyfaile said:

It’s not that the prequel special effects haven’t aged well, they were bad even back then.

No that’s not true, most of them were state of the art then. Not all of them, but most of them.

The Person in Question


suspiciouscoffee said:

Am I in that group? I’m not really defending it, I’m just saying it’s the least of problems.

If you don’t think that the prequels are a crime against humanity then you’re an apologist. That’s how it works here. And if you criticize almost any aspect of the Disney films then you’re wrong.

The Person in Question


suspiciouscoffee said:

Am I in that group? I’m not really defending it, I’m just saying it’s the least of problems.

I’m not really saying anything, I just thought it was funny to bring up the phrase and watch everyone blow up.


Honestly, now that the prequels are irrelevant, I’m really glad that I don’t like them because if I did then I’d just be even more unlikable on this forum.

The Person in Question


Mocata said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

Am I in that group? I’m not really defending it, I’m just saying it’s the least of problems.

I’m not really saying anything, I just thought it was funny to bring up the phrase and watch everyone blow up.



To be honest I thought it was such an obvious call back nobody would bite.


oh yes, great idea. just when people that don’t hate the PT start not being afraid of saying it here, why not go back to being intolerable? such a clever and funny move.


I don’t for the most part think the cg in the prequels is bad even compared to today, it just has bad moments.

I didn’t even know about the cgi troopers until the last couple of months.


Possessed said:

I don’t for the most part think the cg in the prequels is bad even compared to today, it just has bad moments.

agreed. yoda + windu + obi-wan walking around the jedi temple comes to mind for aotc. for rots i can think of a shot of anakin leaving a starfighter that looks pretty bad.


The opening shot of ROTS looks horrible. Not the “star destroyer look alike”, that looked pretty sweet actually. But anakin and obi wans fighters looked so cgi i can’t believe it was in the movie, it’s like it didn’t finish rendering.


Possessed said:

The opening shot of ROTS looks horrible. Not the “star destroyer look alike”, that looked pretty sweet actually. But anakin and obi wans fighters looked so cgi i can’t believe it was in the movie, it’s like it didn’t finish rendering.

Just watched this sequence for the first time in over two years. Lol.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


Collipso said:

oh yes, great idea. just when people that don’t hate the PT start not being afraid of saying it here, why not go back to being intolerable? such a clever and funny move.

Yeah alright keep your shirt on.

darthrush said:

I recently had an argument about the opening space battle of Episode 3.

Basically, everyone thought I was an idiot for preferring the Battle of Yavin to the videogame lightshow in episode 3 where you can’t even tell what is going on.

What was going on in that battle? There was like a gag with the buzz droids and something about clone troopers being blasted. But outside the rescue mission what was the battle in aid of? All I remember is that it looked like a big pink and orange fireworks show and the battle droid voices had been changed to make them more high pitched, which is just utterly stupid.

At the time it seemed to be fine, as was the case for the other prequels until you really thought about them hard enough. I still have the Art of EPIII here somewhere. I didn’t have that immediate angry knee jerk reaction. A lot of work went into these things. Shame it was mostly wasted.


Well, read back in this thread some, it’s not an isolated case…


TV’s Frink said:


From r/StarWars:
“I know most people love the jedi, sith, bounty hunters etc. I do to, but a lot of my favourite parts of Star Wars are the political scenes. I absolutely love all the scenes on Coruscant and in the Senate. Including Padme’s deleted scenes in ROTS. Some of my favourite Clone Wars arcs are the ones where they talk politics the entire time. It’s just amazing to me that in this fake universe, they’ve managed to create like 40 years worth of fake politics as well. And on top of that, it’s believable. There’s a reason for every action in Star Wars, and everyone has different motives.”

I mean, it’s one thing to like the prequels and to enjoy the “politics” (there isn’t a lot of politics in the prequels, but, whatever), but I don’t understand what is so amazing about it. It’s not like it’s particulary well developed, or very detailed and complex.


The politics in the Prequels are stupid. Why didn’t Amidala allow the Republic to investigate the invasion? Or, better yet, why didn’t the two Jedi Knights, who witnessed the invasion firsthand, back up her claims?

Why does everyone suddenly want to give Palpy emergency powers? It’s not like the Separatists actually did anything at that point.

Why does nobody object to Palpatine’s sudden transformation of the Republic into an Empire?


TV’s Frink said:

Clickbaity headline roped me in, and clickbaity rankings delivered the goods.


Highlights include

  1. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi


  1. Episode III: Revenge of the Sith


Sorry to interrupt the PT convo but two Star Wars films have come out since I last handed in a ranking. Here goes:

  1. A New Hope
  2. The Empire Strikes Back
  3. Return of the Jedi
  4. The Last Jedi
  5. The Force Awakens
  6. Solo
  7. The Phantom Menace
  8. Rogue One
  9. Revenge of the Sith
  10. Attack of the Clones

Wait… Solo came out already? Bu But it comes out tommorow!

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.