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Post #1200768

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The Worst Scene/Sequence in Any Star Wars Film
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Date created
26-Apr-2018, 6:43 PM

DominicCobb said:

Mrebo said:

TV’s Frink said:

SilverWook said:

I’m still wondering how the Jedi council never found out about that Tusken slaughter. Nobody even asked what Anakin was doing on Tattooine?

The Prequel Jedi are too stupid to ask questions or sense any danger other than vague “I sense a plot to destroy the jedi and evil surrounds Palpatine but let’s not do anything about it” comments.

To be fair, that kind of thinking extended to Luke in TLJ where he doesn’t do anything until it’s too late and then bungles it.

Which, at least in TLJ, is the point.

Of course that might have been the point in the PT too, but it certainly wasn’t communicated clearly if so.

so you don’t think the pt jedi were written to be stupid and blind? i always thought that was the point.