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Post #1200568

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The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)
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Date created
26-Apr-2018, 12:37 AM

toastedzen said:

Hal 9000 said:

I haven’t sat down and watched any sort of draft of this edit yet myself, but hopefully it works well to transition directly from Finn and Rose leaving the cell to hyperspace.
Transitioning from that scene back to Luke on the island and then from Luke back to the Resistance fleet works very well IMHO. But, we will have to see.

The ‘extensive’ removal of Canto Bight is official on trial status, but I reserve the right to determine that it is not working and include more of it. I’m very reluctant to crop off the broom boy ending because to me it just feels so very ‘fan edit-y’ and inauthentic in a way I can’t put my finger on. Star Wars movies always end with a scene without any dialogue, and even if Canto Bight is hardly there, the meaning of the final scene would still read easily.

I stand by my opinion that an editor needs to get Billy Dee Williams or a stand in so that Lando can be the gambler with the lapel pin that Finn and Rose were supposed to meet. I know I sound like a broken record because I have said this so many times in the Internet! lol

I hope you realize how hopelessly impossible this would be for any editor to do LOL