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Post #1199009

Dek Rollins
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The Terminator - Color Regrade [No Longer Available]
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Date created
21-Apr-2018, 6:07 PM

Here is the current color correction as it stands.


I feel I’ve done everything I can with it at this point. From the evidence available to me, this regrade seems to be extremely accurate, though not perfect, of course. The big issue with accuracy is that no two prints would’ve been exactly the same, and the specific things that would be consistent are things that I can’t replicate without having more complete references as well as making this a shot by shot correction. It also doesn’t help that the Blu-ray transfer doesn’t like being conformed to nicer colors, so the things that don’t look 100% in the ballpark like the Tech Noir will just have to stay that way. That said, I’m very happy with how this all looks, and I truly believe that what I’ve done is nearly as accurate as can be achieved with this Blu-ray transfer.

I’ll try to get this new regrade encoded in the next few days, and then I’m going to stop hosting the old regrade and put this one up in its place.