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Post #1198057

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Ranking the Star Wars films
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Date created
19-Apr-2018, 11:40 AM

pittrek said:

  1. Revenge of the Sith - bad plot, bad acting, bad dialogue, bad cinematography, bad compositing, bad CGI. The only remotely interesting thing is the scene where Vader is burning alive.

I mean… I have no issues with it being your least favourite Star Wars film if that’s your opinion, but your reasons for it being the worst seem a bit hypocritical don’t they? I’ll preface this by saying I love the PT, but if we’re talking about objective qualities in the films…

bad acting

I truly do not understand how AOTC can be ranked higher on your list.

bad dialogue

I truly do not understand how AOTC can be ranked higher on your list.

bad cinematography

I truly do not understand how AOTC can be ranked higher on your list.

bad CGI

I truly do not understand how AOTC can be ranked higher on your list.

I love AOTC but the acting, dialogue, cinematography, CGI, etc. ain’t exactly great.

In fact I see most people, even those who don’t like ROTS, say it’s visually the best of the three, if not the second best.

I’m not mocking you, I just cannot fathom how, for example, anything in ROTS could be named visually worse than that picture Frink posted above. I get not liking the plot and how it’s executed, that’s all up to preference, but stuff like that I can’t wrap my head around. Care to elaborate? Honestly interested as to your perspective.