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Post #1196777

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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place
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Date created
16-Apr-2018, 4:09 AM

suspiciouscoffee said:

My mom is starting to talk about having just discovered 9/11 trutherism and she sounds super hyper and it almost sounds like she’s starting to believe this shit…

This arose as she flipped throigh channels and came across Schindler’s List and she started asking “why do people hate Jews? They’re just people!” I was in strong agreement of course because anti-semites are vile, until she took a hard turn to say “they aren’t like the Moosluhms who blow everything up. Hey, speaking of, did you know there are whole conspiracy theories around 9/11? I just found an article on it recently, like where was the plane in the Pentagon…” and it spiraled from there.


This is where you can, and should just tell her, “Mom, I refuse to talk about or listen to this.”