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Post #1196162

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Ranking the Star Wars films
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Date created
14-Apr-2018, 12:22 PM

TV’s Frink said:

Ryan-SWI said:

TV’s Frink said:

Ryan-SWI said:

TV’s Frink said:

Mocata said:

Hahaha YES. The comedy I’ve been waiting for.

All three prequels above ESB. And we’re supposed to ignore these posts. Lol.

I mean you think the ST are good films so if we’re gonna start taking cheap shots two can play at that game.

I don’t rank them above ESB so your point is irrelevant.

Right. I forgot dissenting opinions aren’t allowed. We should just all post an identical ranking over and over again to stilt discussion, because it’s not like this is a forum or anything.

Here’s an actual question for you…why do you consider all three theatrical prequels better than Empire Strikes Back?

If you’re actually wondering why, I’ll bite.

I’m not going to comment on why I think ROTS is better purely because I feel that film has enough defenders as is; I’m sure you disagree with them, but you’ve probably heard arguments for the film time and time again, so there’s no point repeating them. Dumbing it down, I think it’s both visually and emotionally more impactful, while having a more interesting plot and contributing more to the saga’s lore as a whole; but that’s just my opinion.

As for TPM and AOTC being ranked higher?
First of all I want to make one thing clear; I think on a technical level, one based purely on physical filmmaking and nothing else; ESB is undoubtedly the best Star Wars film. Its direction, artistry and dare I say, acting, is unmatched to this day.

However, that’s not all I look for in a Star Wars film. I’ve always been more concerned with the overall story of the saga of films I - VI than technical details. You can disagree with this notion and that’s fine, but that’s just my preference.

I think the world-building, the expansion of the lore and the incredibly detailed plot of TPM and AOTC far outweigh that of the OT. Do I think the execution is better? No. The execution of the OT (At least ANH and ESB), is fantastic. The execution of the Prequels? Not so much. But I much prefer an interesting experience over a play by the numbers one; there are plenty of ‘legendary’ films that hit all the technical beats, but few as interesting as the prequels.

I’m not going super in-depth because I’ve spent years on this site frequently just getting trolled for my viewpoints so I don’t want to pump heaps of time into a response, so I’m trying to keep it simple.

Essentially what I’m saying is that everyone pulls different things from Star Wars. Some people are just interested in seeing the best technically made film possible, and that’s totally fine. If we’re judging the films purely on those merits I’d say TFA is better than ROTJ, but that’s not all I personally care about.

I know it gets made fun of a lot but I personally think George’s vision for a one complete story told over six films is incredibly interesting and valuable, and I view all six films as one large piece, so I judge them more on what they add to the overall story than what I do as an individual work of art.

If you disagree, totally cool, this kind of thing is subjective, but that’s just where I stand.